Wednesday, August 13, 2008

FAKE FAKE FAKE.It is depressing.Uhuh!

The Olympic that wow us was fake.That little sweet girl's singing is fake.How could they do that.Even though I knew from the start she was lip-synching.I din like her.Just like I din like any other children.Unpure.

What was pure was my Hungry Ghost Festival postcards.Don't ask me why.Don't.I have no idea why there is a need to make postcards for Hungry Ghost festival.Burn for the people below?Invite them up?No idea but it was critic that my postcards look pure.Maybe it's the fact that it doesn't have a background.

Omg and tmr i'm going to Little India to grab some photos.For Graphics design.I need photos of Indian stuff.Maybe I'll just get the temple.Oh I don't know.Stress!

Anyway I just read there's a Mud phobia.Why? Other then big brown flying things which I've come to live with and overcome, I'm not afraid of anything.Maybe some of the old female lecturers.Anyway theres a PIG whose afraid of MUD.Aren't pigs suppose to swim in muds and make a themselves all muddy and brown and piggy?Anyways click here to read about him overcoming his fear.

There was a photo of the NAFA Vibrancy day which JAZZ got a booth and sell stuff which me and meiman and shenny got down early to help.It was NO fun at all and stuffy and I look fat in that pic which i'm not going to post.Uhuh~

Alright going to study for my Design in Context.Stewpid module.Ridiculous!