Yala.Last friday i MISS MY CLASS!!! Overslept!
So i told myself it's fine and went back to sleep.Haha i'm a little biatch.
And i need to blog!If you realise I haven have a proper blog post with words and paragraphs on it!!
And the past 4 are sentences!!Uhuh~Hello HEY!Bang people we need to go out lorh hor.Faster exam finish then we can go out.And meet Shuwen's BEN.
Okay, right so this is WEEK 3 of school.4 more weeks and I will have my exams.Isn't it FAST.And i met Melly Ho in school everyday!!!Thats something new cause we've never met in school last year for the entire year you know.So every new experience is good.
Oh yea and Nicole,you know,the female ghost in the 3rd floor boys toilet is expanding her powers to the other toilets.( for those who don't really understand it's okay)
Right I seriously need to blog.Did i say I hate flash?I heard Tayshuwen's learning it too! Next time when we change our banner she can animate it.FLASHARHHHHHHSSSSSHHHHHHSHHHHHHHH!!!
Right.I've been feeling really tired this week and I've finally start using the back up energy i stored during the school holidays.So if I appeared unusally hyper it means either I've been possessed or I'm really tired and using my back up.
Oh yea and ytd is MANNIE's birthday ya.And I went to school early for her.See this is what friends are for.Going to school early just for her.And went to the library and colour.And recap my Flash stuff.Yala my flash got test one.Haha.
Did anyone saw my lecturer on TV ytd? On chn 8 dunno what record show thing.I din.I was sleeping.YALA tired can.
I still got so many things haven do.I promise to post more soon okay.Here,the boys in boys toilet!
UHUH REMOVED.CGPEI says i'm FAT.So you cant see my fat face!
Okay see you tmr i promise to blog soon.
Update!! MY EYES!