Last time I used to ignore advertisement, but now I look at them and i ask why. Last time I just stare at a piece of graphic design work and I will say "wow". Now i just say how? 2 years of NAFA life has past and it made me realise time is important.
2 years of Nafa life has also made my blogging skills dull and boring. I try to keep my sentences short now, but last time, my sentences equals to a paragraph.
Anyway reading till here, you might think why I'm blogging such things right. Well I just felt like blogging my thoughts and reflections after this term of assessment. I know you would rather read about my birthday celebrations. Oh well.
It's not going to happen soon and you will not get a glimpse of the work I did this term. Oh and i was suppose to change the blog skin but it shall be postponed.
Blogging till here I've already lost my train of thoughts so it will abruptly stop here. Just to let you out there know what I have to finish soon.
Graphic : Packaging (Next week)
Graphic : New project research (Next week)
Safety @ Work (Not sure)
Visual Studies (Not sure)
Design Drawing (Follow Up)
Digital Media(Flash website)
Photography (Soon)
Illustrations for website(Soon)
Hey!bang skin (Postponed)